Did you know one person dies from oral cancer every hour? That is not because it is difficult to treat. Rather, it is because too often the lesions are not discovered until the disease has reached the late stages. We hope to change that for our patients.
Using VELscope we can now detect lesions earlier than ever before. By optimizing fluorescence visualizations (FV technology), lesions and changes in your mouth can be detected much sooner than they ordinarily would be.
The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and only takes about two minutes. Your healthy tissue absorbs the light, showing up green, and the suspect patches will look darker. We can even combine it with digital photography to compare changes in your mouth.
Too many patients mistakenly think if they do not smoke or use tobacco, they are not at risk for oral cancer. Unfortunately, that is not the case. While tobacco is a large contributor and significantly increases your risk of oral cancer, 25% of cases have never used tobacco products.
By utilizing this technology and doing oral cancer checks during your normal preventative care appointments, we can detect any abnormal tissue in your mouth and give you the best chance of early treatment and recovery if there should be any oral cancer.