All posts by writeradmin

Crowns are getting old- can they be upgraded?

My dental crowns are getting old.  I don’t have time to do a new crown, which would mean two days away from work.  Can I just get the old ones upgraded a little so they are white again?

David R. – MN


If by upgraded, you mean have your crowns whitened, then no.  There isn’t any kind of dental work, such as crowns, bonding, or veneers, that can be whitened by traditional teeth whitening. Instead, they have to be re-done.

I know you can’t get a lot of time off work.  In that case, I would consider CEREC crowns.  You can get them in just one appointment.  There is no need for a temporary crown.  The same day you go in for the initial appointment, you  get your permanent crown.

They’re made out of porcelain, just like regular porcelain crowns and are attractive and natural looking.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Straighten and Whiten your teeth at the same time

I’ve been saving money to make my teeth look better. I’ve got enough to straighten my teeth and whiten them.  Would it better to do the braces first or to whiten them first?

Nerry P. – Georgia


If you’re a candidate for Invisalign, you could do both at the same time.  You’ll find most patients prefer invisalign over traditional braces anyway. They’re more comfortable, more attractive, and finish much sooner.

You may click here to learn more about Invisalign.  If you’re dentist agrees, it is possible to use the invisalign aligners as whitening trays.  This way you can spend some of your time wearing the aligners with the whitening gel inside. In all likelihood, you’ll have briliant, white teeth before you’re even done straightening them, allowing you to witen your teeth and straighten them simultaneously.

This blog is brought to you by Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Should I get MAC Veneers for the lab?

I’ve heard that MAC veneers have the best lab. I want to get porcelain veneers. Should I get MAC veneers for that reason?

Drew M. – Indiana


MAC Veneers are made at a good lab, but I think you would be better served choosing the best cosmetic dentist and letting them choose the lab.  If you were having your dream home built, Would you spend your time examing lumber and nails or would you find the best contractor you could and let them decide on the materials?

You want to let your dentist choose which brand of porcelain veneers to use and which lab.  Creating a smile is an art and dentists who are artistic like to choose their own tools.  Choosing the right dentist is the single best thing you can do toward getting the best smile possible.

I suggest you you get a dentist who is accredited with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. These dentists are held to the highest standards of technique and artistry.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette LA Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Should I go somewhere else to get a CEREC crown?

My dentist told me I needed a dental crown.  We scheduled an appointment, but after talking to my nephew, I’m wondering if I should go to a different dentist in order to get a CEREC crown?  He loves his.

Nellie D. – Washington


The difference between a CEREC crown and a traditional crown is twofold: 1. Where they’re milled and 2. The turn-around time.

A CEREC crown can be great, but what matters the most is the artistry of the dentist. So, if your dentist is artistic, you’ll get a great crown no matter which method is chosen. You’ll want a crown that looks both natural and beautiful.

If getting a crown the same day means a lot to you, ask your dentist if he has a CEREC machine, or another one similar, available. If he doesn’t, you’ll have to make a decision as to whether your dentist’s skill outweighs the  desire to not have two appointments.  A skilled dentist could make a beautiful crown no matter where is it milled.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Can I switch to invisalign if I already have glasses?

I’ve got regular braces, but I hate them.  They hurt all the time. They keep catching on my lip and it bleeds. Is it too late for me to get invisalign because I’ve already got braces. My mom says its probably too late, but I wanted to check.

Les D. – Missouri


It’s not too late. Your dentist can still give you invisalign, if your bite is a good candidate for the procedure. I’d have that checked before you seriously consider having your braces removed.  You don’t want to remove them only to have to put them back.

Most people find Invisalign to be much more comfortable than traditional braces. You certainly won’t have to worry about it cutting your lips.

It will be important you wear the  aligners for the amount of time required or the treatment will be ineffective.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

How will dental bonding fix my gap?

I have a tooth gap that is a little over 1/2 a centimeter. My dentist said he can fix it with dental bonding. How will that fix it? Wouldn’t that make my teeth really wide? Will that look attractive and I just can’t picture it?

Rhianna L. – Newark, NJ


Over 1/2 a centimeter is quite a large gap. In fact, you can fit a small tooth in that size space. Unless your teeth are unnaturally narrow, I don’t think adding in that much structure will make your teeth look normal.

Tooth bonding (or dental bonding) is generally a good way to close a tooth gap, but it has to be a small gap.  I’m not sure your dentist is the one to do it. You seem to have more of a sense of aesthetics than he or she does. That isn’t a good sign.

You don’t want your basic family dentist to do serious cosmetic procedures. These take additional post-graduate training. You also want someone who has an artistic eye. If you’re serious about closing your gap, I’d look into Invisalign. It will actually close the gap and almost any dentist can perform this.

This blog is brought to you by Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Can you kiss with Invisalign?

I’m getting Invisalign teen and am wondering if I’ll still be ale to kiss my boyfriend.

Keisha T. – MIssissippi


It’s perfectly fine to kiss with your Invisalign aligners. Most have no issues with it. Occassionally, I hear of a patient who said it took a little getting used to. That doesn’t mean you will.

Invisalign has one of the highest satisfaction rates.   One of the things I have noticed with teen patients sometimes  is forgetting  to put the aligner back on after meals.

It’s very effective, but only if you keep the aligners in for the amount of time required to wear them.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Why are my veneers turning yellow?

I’ve only had my porcelain veneers for almost two months and they seem to be turning yellow. It’s quite disappointing, because I spent extra money to get my teeth whitened before I got my porcelain veneers. Now, my natural teeth are whiter than the teeth I had madeover. Is there some way to fix this?

Sienna P. – Maryland


I’m a little suspicous. If you’ve only had them for a little over a month, then they would retain their color for many years. If they’re turning yellow it means one of three things.

1. It’s possible they didn’t give you real porcelain veneers. but rather a cheaper resin material. If you thought they were giving your porcelain veneers and paid that price, it would be very dishonest and unethical for them to give you anything else.  You may consider going to another dentist and just asking what type of veneer have been placed.

2. The lab neglected to put the glaze on the veneers. While it is possible for this to happen it is certainly not common. However, it would explain why your veneers are picking up stains so quickly.

3. Something removed the glaze from the veneers. This can happen if your dental hygienist doesn’t understand how cosmetic dentistry works, they could have used something like a prophy jet on your veneers. That would have removed the glaze.

Whichever of these it is, you’ll need a second opinion from a dentist to help you figure out the actual cause and give you some options.

This blog is brought to you by Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone


Can a general dentist do cosmetic dentistry?

I want to do some cosmetic procedures to my teeth. My dentist is a general dentist. Can you tell me if he can do the cosmetic procedures or if I need to go to a cosmetic dentist?

Frank C. – Oregon


There is no recognized specialty in cosmetic dentistry. That means that everyone who does cosmetic dentistry is a general dentist. However, not all “cosmetic” dentists are equal.

You didn’t mention what type of cosmetic work you were planning on. If you were wanting something simple, such as teeth whitening, then any dentist could do it.

But, if you were wanting someting complicated, such as porcelain veneers, then you’ll want someone with specialized training.  In those cases, I would look for a dentist who is accredited with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). They’ll have the skill to give you a gorgeous smile.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

A refund on porcelain veneers

I got porcelain veneers. I’m a little disappointed in them and am wondering if I can get a refund on them. The color is darker than I expected and one of them is cracked. I didn’t do anything that should have cracked them.

Elaina P. – New Mexico


It’s possible you can get a refund on the cracked veneer. It’s unlikely you’ll get a refund on the intact veneers. The fact that you didn’t like the veneers tells me your dentist didn’t give you a proper try-in.

You may not want to hear this, but I think it is likely your dentist isn’t very artistic. The only way you’ll get a gorgeous smile is to go to a different more experienced dentist to do your porcelain veneers.

I’d go to the website and see who they recommend for New Mexico in your area. It will be worth it even if you have to drive to another city.

This blog is brought to you by Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.