Tag Archives: White Fillings To Close Spaces

Filling or Veneers to close a gap in teeth?

I’m going soon to the dentist to get fillings in to close two gaps in my front teeth. Fillings are obviously the much cheaper option, but would they be as strong and effective as veneers? Would they last as long? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jeff

Dear Jeff,

Using composite filling material to close the spaces between your teeth may work, however aesthetically may not look as nice and natural as dental veneers will. Composite fillings will discolor overtime and the attempt to close the spaces will become noticeable therefore you may find yourself replacing the fillings several times throughout your life. Having this type of dental treatment completed to close your spaces may make your teeth look bulkier and not as uniform. Dental veneers are made of porcelain and are much stronger then composite filling material, therefore can last for years without discoloring or chipping away. We recommend you have a consultation with a dentist that has a lot of training in cosmetic dentistry. Discuss your concerns and if you prefer to have the dental veneers and our concerned about the cost, ask if they will work with you on some type of payment plan.

Post courtesy of Dr. Malone, Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist