Tag Archives: dental malpractice

problems with my porcelain veneers

I need some advice about my porcelain veneers. Things haven’t gone well for me with this. My dentist did ceramic veneers. The first time they came in they were way too white for the adjacent visible teeth (and even for my personal taste). II told him I wanted them to match the other teeth (which we determined was an A2) asked him to redo them and he did. When they came back the second time he bonded them on without me getting to look at them. When I did see them, they were again too white. I’m assuming I’m stuck with that color now and am hoping to get the teeth next to them to match so I don’t feel foolish. My other problem is one of them broke in half horizontally. My dentist is replacing it and said he would do so for 3 years. Should I be worried they won’t last longer than that? I did pay a pretty penny. Would I have been better off getting porcelain veneers? Are they stronger?


Dear Mandy,

A single porcelain veneer being placed on a tooth

Let’s start with the longevity and breaking of your porcelain veneers. These are tiny wafers, whether made of porcelain or ceramic. You could easily crush them in your fingers. Their strength comes from the bonding procedure, which your dentist obviously hasn’t mastered.

If you’d approved of the porcelain veneers before he bonded them, then yes, you’d be stuck with that color. The easiest solution to get the adjacent teeth to match is teeth whitening. Fortunately, only your natural tooth structure will whiten. It will have no real effect on your porcelain veneers.

That being said, I don’t think you have to accept the color you’ve been given. He bonded them on without your permission. Informed consent is the cornerstone of any practice–medical or dental. Without that, he committed malpractice. You have the right to a refund.

Getting Your Porcelain Veneers Done Right

When you have this case redone, I want you to have an expert cosmetic dentist do it. This way you will get a smile you’re not just satisfied with but proud of.

A true cosmetic dentist would never place a smile unless you are thrilled with it. Most of them have a beautiful smile guarantee.

Look on the website of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (aacd.com). They have a link to find a cosmetic dentist. When you do the search, make sure you place a check mark on accredited. You want an accredited cosmetic dentist. These are the ones who can give you the right smile.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.