Zoom whitening turned out funny

I had the rare opportunity to have a professional Zoom tooth whitening done at cost at a cosmetic dentist. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize until after the first go-around that the color of my teeth seems to be due to natural variation and not stains. That said, the color differences are rather stark after the treatment and I’m unhappy with how noticeably uneven the color of my teeth are. Is there any way to reverse or fix this without having to get expensive bonding or veneers?
– Marcy from DC

I’m hoping your dentist knows more than you seem to be indicating, because from what you’re telling me, there’s a lack of expertise in cosmetic dentistry in your case. One problem with dentistry in the United States is that cosmetic dentistry isn’t a separate specialty recognized by the American Dental Association, and because of this any dentist, with no extra training at all, can call himself or herself a cosmetic dentist.

Zoom whitening will whiten teeth that are naturally dark. It isn’t just for accumulated stains. Most Zoom whitening patients, when they are done, will have teeth that are whiter than any natural color. It removes stains, but it also bleaches out the natural darker colors that are in everyone’s teeth.

However, Zoom whitening and other professional whitening techniques are not appropriate for teeth with uneven coloring. Many general dentists who attempt cosmetic dentistry make this mistake – they try to whiten teeth with spots or stripes, and this only exaggerates the problem. Spots, stripes, and other uneven colorations need to be treated with tooth bonding or porcelain veneers.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a simpler solution for your problem

Related links:
Lafayette dentist
Lumineers – a specific brand of porcelain veneers