Tag Archives: Root Planing and Scaling

Dental Flap Surgery

My dentist is recommending I see a periodontist for dental flap surgery. What is Dental Flap Surgery?

Thanks, Gloria

Dear Gloria,

Flap surgery is recommended when root planing and scaling are not enough to treat moderate to severe periodontal disease in eliminating the pocket. This surgical procedure is done with a local anesthetic and the gums are loosened around the tooth and bone to thoroughly clean the roots of the tooth removing tarter and diseased tissue. Because periodontal disease causes the bone to deteriorate around the tooth, most of the time during flap surgery the bone is reshaped to help the tissue heal properly. If the bone is severely damaged synthetic bone or cadaver bone is placed around the tooth to help bone grow back. Your tissue is then sutured back into place and usually covered with a periodontal pack or gauze to protect the area. After a week your sutures will most likely be removed by the periodontist.

This procedure can take up to three hours to complete, depending on the severity of periodontal disease and the sites being treated. Antibiotics and pain medication are usually prescribed following this procedure to help with infection and ease any discomfort. Twenty four hours after surgery it’s usually recommended to swish with salt water rinses to reduce swelling. If swelling is not reduced over a few days place ice packs on the side of your face where the procedure was completed to help reduce the inflamed site. Make sure you maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly but be gentle. Eat soft foods and as the area heals you can put more solid foods back into your diet.

Post courtesy of Dr. Malone, Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist