Tag Archives: care of porcelain veneers

Sonic toothbrush with porcelain veneers

I got porcelain veneers. I wanted  to get a sonic toothbrush, but just read on a website that sonic toothbrushes could damage the bond on porcelain veneers. Is that accurate?

Brooke K.- San Antonio, TX


I’m not sure what website you were reading, but I wouldn’t agree with it. Sonic toothbrushes are not only great for removing plague, but tests have shown that they are perfectly safe for use with porcelain veneers. If you’re interested, you can look up the 1998 survey from University of Missouri at Kansas City, where they tested sonic toothbrushes on porcelain veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic dentist Dr. Mike Malone.