Do I Really Need Three Procedures for a Smile Makeover?

I hope to get a smile makeover. I thought it would just mean porcelain veneers. I have stained teeth and my two front teeth are a bit crooked. However, my dentist is suggesting that I get three procedures. First, Invisalign to straighten the crooked teeth, then, teeth whitening. Finally Lumineers, which he said are better because they do not need any tooth prep. Is all of this really necessary? I thought veneers could make teeth look straight.


Dear Penelope,

Invisalign aligner

I am really glad you wrote. I’m concerned about the advice you are getting. While it is true that porcelain veneers can make teeth look straight, it actually takes an advanced cosmetic dentist to make it look right. I don’t think your dentist qualifies. He is suggesting Lumineers. This is a brand of porcelain veneers that is heavily marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists.

While a few smiles do okay without any tooth prep, most of them require some. Otherwise, the teeth will look bulky. I think this is why he is suggesting Invisalign. He doesn’t know how to make your teeth look right without the orthodontics.

This teeth whitening is okay and will actually save you money. Unless you want to get a porcelain veneer on every tooth, which would cost a fortune, you can get your teeth whitening first and then have porcelain veneers placed on the teeth that are visible when you smile. Because of the teeth whitening, the remainder of the teeth will will blend in.

However, I want to suggest something. You only mentioned that you had discolored and crooked teeth. You didn’t say anything about wanting to change the shape and size of your teeth. In that case, you can save a LOT of money by just having Invisalign and teeth whitening done. That will take care of both of those issues for you. In fact, Invisalign can double as teeth whitening trays. All your dentist has to do is provide you with professional strength teeth whitening gel to wear inside your aligners.

This means you can straighten and whiten your teeth at a fraction of the cost.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Dentists Drs. Foreman and Thimmesh.