Do I need two front tooth crowns so they can match?

I need a crown on my front tooth. The dentist suggests doing both front teeth so they match perfectly. Is this necessary?
– Laurie in South Dakota

It may be necessary for you, from this dentist, but it isn’t generally necessary. It is possible to match a front tooth crown perfectly to the tooth next to it, but it takes, skill, a strong knowledge of tooth color, translucency, and texture, and a certain amount of trouble. It may require sending the crown back to the dental laboratory more than once to get the color perfected. But it can be done.

Many dentists just aren’t good at that, and some just don’t want to take that trouble. So in your case, yes, it may be necessary to get both crowns if you want the front two teeth to match perfectly. But we don’t do it that way – we just match the single crown.

Read more about Louisiana porcelain crowns or Louisiana Zoom whitening.