Tag Archives: uneven gums

Can Invisalign Straighten My Gums?

I’ve never been happy with my smile. My front teeth are a little crooked and my gums are uneven. I was thinking of getting Invisalign but wondered if it would work for my gums too. I’m a little embarrassed to ask my dentist in case it’s a stupid question.


Dear Bethany,

A woman placing in her Invisalign aligners

When it comes to the health of your gums and teeth, there are no stupid questions so never be afraid to ask your dentist anything. He should be happy to answer. If he’s not, you need a different dentist. Invisalign is a great option for straightening teeth without anyone else knowing. They’re invisible even at a conversational distance. If you’re a good candidate then it will do a great job with your crooked front teeth. What it won’t do is straighten your gums. But, that doesn’t mean they can’t be straightened.

For that, your dentist can do a couple of things. If you’re referring to unevenness from one tooth to the next, then he’d do what’s called a gingivectomy. That simply means he’d remove some tissue from the gums that stand out more. It’s a simple procedure.

If the shape of your gums doesn’t look quite right or they’re bulky, then your dentist will perform a gingivoplasty. That’s just a big word for reshaping. This is also a simple procedure. Both are done in-office in one visit. I’d recommend taking care of the gums first and then getting your Invisalign done.

An Alternative to Invisalign

If there’s more than just the crookedness of the front teeth which bother you, there’s another option. Porcelain veneers can give you a complete smile makeover. Veneers can change everything about your smile—the shape, the size, the color, even the character.

Unlike Invisalign, which can be done by just about any dentist, a complete smile makeover will require an expert cosmetic dentist. Otherwise, you could end up with very disappointing results. Look on aacd.com to find an accredited dentist in your area.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Mike Malone.