Tag Archives: Tooth Extraction

Is there a way to floss between a bridge and the gum?

Is it necessary to floss under a bridge? I have read that these are tight-fitting against the gum to prevent food from getting trapped between the bridge and gum. I had gum disease over a year ago, had teeth extracted, and a bridge placed after everything was cleaned up. Now I am having problems with a swollen gum under the front bottom of the bridge. It’s swollen to the point of bleeding around the bridge even when the bottom lip is simply pulled back.

Thanks, Gary

Dear Gary,

Yes, it is necessary to floss under a dental bridge daily, even more so if you were previously treated for gum disease. Flossing daily will help in the prevention of further bone loss around the teeth. There could be two reasons why your gums are swollen and bleeding around your bridge. Due to the fact that you have not been flossing under it, there is a big possibility that your teeth anchoring your bridge are reinfected with gum disease and may need to be retreated. Another problem could be that your dental bridge was placed right after the teeth were extracted therefore the extraction site may have not had the proper time to heal which can cause a similar affect on the tissue under the bridge.

There are different types of bridge floss threaders available in the toothpaste isle at your local store to help you clean under your bridge. Ask your dental hygienist at your next cleaning appointment to show you how to floss properly around your bridge. We recommend you discuss this matter with your dentist to find the root of the problem with your bleeding gums.

Post courtesy of Dr. Malone, Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist