Tag Archives: Teeth Damaged From Bulimia

What can be done about damage to teeth from bulimia?

I am a recovering bulimic. I’ve been pretty stable for the last two years, and have a great counselor, so I feel like I can really beat this illness. I am having this issue, though, and it seems kind of vain in light of all the other health problems I’ve been dealing with, but here it is – my teeth are an embarrassment. I’ve had bulimia for more than half my life. My front teeth are worn, and really thin and chipped. They are shorter than they should be, too.

I know this might sound like something that should be low priority, but I feel like I am finally starting to live again, and my total lack of smile is holding me back. I am not capable of smiling without my hand over my mouth. I mumble. I always look tight-lipped, because I am.

What can be done? Are the teeth too damaged for porcelain veneers? What about porcelain crowns? I have even considered just having them pulled and getting a bridge. I don’t think dental implants are an option I can afford.

Thoughts? I appreciate your help.

Patricia in Erie, PA

Dear Patricia,

Congratulations on working so hard to improve your health and well being. It is absolutely normal to want to express your new-found joy with a radiant smile.

The best recommendation is to seek the services of a skilled cosmetic dentist. Porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns could work for you, but you want to make sure you have someone who is experienced and highly artistic do the work. Generally speaking, a cosmetic dentist will also be more sensitive to your cosmetic concerns.

Lafayette Louisiana cosmetic dentist Dr. Mike Malone’s office sponsored this post.