Tag Archives: smile makeovers

Can bulimics get smile makeovers?

I’m bulimic. I’m getting a little better about it, but to be honest, I still purge sometimes. My teeth are in bad shape. I was wondering if it’s possible for me to get a smile makeover with porcelain veneers or if I damaged my teeth too much?

Olivia B. – Minnesotta


Congratulations on working on your bulimia. I know it is a hard road. Because Dr. Malone has worked with pageant contestants, he understands the difficulty of your situation.

One thing to  be aware of is that while you’re still struggling with your eating disorder, it will continue to damage your teeth, even teeth that are cosmetically restored.

Depending on the condition of your teeth, it can still be possible to get porcelain veneers. Go see a great cosmetic dentist. Look for someone who is AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) accredited.  You will get a much more attractive smile that way.

Good luck with your treatment.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.

Difference in veneers

I’m going to get a smile makeover, which has taken me years to save up for. Because of that I’ve been doing a lot of research.  I want to make sure I use the perfect veneers. Can you tell me if MAC or JK veneers are better?

Olivia- Wisconsin


I hope you won’t mind if I don’t actually answer the question you asked. Instead, I’m going to answer the question that you needed to ask.  It is not the material that makes for beautiful porcelain veneers. There are exquisitly beautiful veneers from every type and brand.  It is the dentist you choose that makes the biggest difference. So, intead of asking which veneers should I get, you should ask how do I know if my dentist is a skilled cosmetic dentist.

There are a many ways to research cosmetic dentists, but I’ll tell you about the two I think are the quickest and most reliable.

1.  First, see if there is someone who is AACD accredited in your area.  AACD stands for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. I’m not talking about just looking for someone with a membership in the organization, but instead accreditation.  It might be difficult, because very few dentists reach that level.  Though I will say that many excellent cosmetic dentists though not AACD accredited do a fantastic job and are very likely working toward accreditation.

2. If you cannot find someone who is AACD accredited, then I would go to the mynewsmile.com website. They research cosmetic dentists for both their training and their artistry, both of which have to be verified. Any one of them would be able to give you a gorgeous smile with porcelain veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic dentist Dr. Mike Malone.