Tag Archives: Invisalign with a tooth gap

Black hole in my smile

My parents never believed in spending money on teeth. As a result, I have a giant gap  as well as some crooked teeth on the bottom.  The gap is big enough to assume there’s a small black hole in my smile. I’ve finally got my first real job and want to fix my teeth. However, I don’t want a metal mouth.  I’ve heard about invisalign, but worry my gap will make it obvious I’m wearing them.

Trey G. – Ft. Worth, TX


How exciting that you get to fix your teeth after all these years. Invisalign is a wonderful option. Not every one is  candidate, so you’ll want to have a dentist check you out.

Don’t worry about the gap. Invisalign dentists are used to dealing with that and have a way of camoflauging it.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette Dentist Dr. Mike Malone