Tag Archives: Clenching from Amphetamines

Is There A Way To Prevent Jaw Clenching On Amphetamines?

There is a research chemical that goes by the name of Benzo Fury, its chemical name is 6-APB and theoretically taking it makes your eyes open wide and pupils dilate to the point that it is mostly just your pupil, but it also makes your jaw tense till its rock hard and doesn’t move much when you talk, it tightens around the two sides of your jaw connecting it to your top skull so my main question is that I have been told that magnesium supplements are able to prevent this happening to your jaw, is this true? If there is any other advice it would be much appreciated since it is helping me with my research.

Thanks, Russ

Dear Russ,

One of the main side effects of taking amphetamines is bruxism more commonly known as teeth grinding. Many users of amphetamines become addicted to this drug whether it comes in a legal prescription dose or its illegal use as a recreational drug. There is really no cure for bruxism, however evidence suggests that magnesium supplements, calcium, and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) may help. It has been noted that a deficiency of magnesium in the diet causes teeth grinding, so even if you increase your intake of magnesium and still take amphetamines which causes one to grind their teeth it most likely will not stop you from grinding. Botox has been used to weaken the muscles surrounding the jaw which has reduced the effects of clenching and grinding of the teeth. Muscle relaxants prescribed from your medical doctor at bedtime has also been effective in reducing teeth grinding.

For the most effective tips on reducing grinding of teeth we recommend the following therapies:

  • Reduce stress – Many of us grind our teeth due to the daily stress we encounter in our lives. Seek counsel or strategies that reduce stress like yoga and meditation.
  • Splints – Ask your dentist to make you an appliance to wear to prevent you from grinding your teeth. This may help you wean your habit of grinding as well as prevent you from wearing down your teeth, having your gums recede, tooth mobility, headaches, pain, and soreness.
  • Misaligned teeth – If your teeth are not aligned properly bruxism can occur. One can benefit from orthodontics or full mouth reconstruction.
  • Behavior therapy – When you notice yourself grinding or clenching start positioning your jaw in the proper position. Close your mouth, don’t allow your teeth to touch, and keep your tongue upward.
  • Exercise your jaw – Before your go to bed open your mouth as wide as you can and hold it open for 10 seconds. Repeat this therapy 10 times, which will help your jaw relax before bedtime.

Post courtesy of Dr. Malone, Lafayette Louisiana Cosmetic Dentist