Tag Archives: Canva

How Do I Purchase Invisalign For a Christmas Gift?

I want to get my wife a mini smile makeover for Christmas including Invisalign and teeth whitening (if I have enough for both). Unfortunately, I’m having trouble getting my dentist to agree to let me pre-purchase. He says she has to come in for an exam first to see what it will entail. If I ABSOLUTELY had to, I will but I’d hate to ruin the surprise. I like seeing people’s eyes light up when they open something. She doesn’t even realize I know she wants them. Is there a way to get them without her finding out ahead of time?

Marvin G.

A woman placing in her Invisalign aligners

It sounds like you’re a thoughtful and attentive husband. I love that you noticed something your wife had on her heart without her telling you. I bet we can find a way for you to surprise your wife, but I’ll explain what your dentist is likely thinking.

It’s hard to totally pre-purchase Invisalign because so many things factor into the cost. In addition to the possibility she not a good candidate, the price is determined by the amount and type of movement needed, the number of aligners required, etc.. All of that will factor into the payment. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t get it ahead of time.

I’d suggest to your dentist you make an estimated pre-payment and then if it turns out she’s not actually a good candidate, you can get a refund. If he’s still resistant, you could just make up a beautiful “announcement” using a free graphic design program, like Canva, and put that under the tree for her. Then, after Christmas, she could head to the dentist’s.

Invisalign and Teeth Whitening

It shouldn’t be too hard to pay for both the Invisalign and teeth whitening. Most dentists will allow you to use the Invisalign aligners as teeth whitening trays. That actually ends up saving you money in the long run.

There is something to be aware of with the limitations of teeth whitening. If she has any other dental work, such as fillings or dental crowns, they won’t whiten with her teeth. The whitening gel only works on natural tooth structure. That doesn’t mean she can’t have it done. But, once she’s attained the level of whitening she wants, you can have them re-made to match. Today, with white fillings, it’s very easy to get dental work to match whatever shade you need, as long as you have a qualified dentist.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Mike Malone.