My Lumineers look terrible

I had Lumineers placed on my teeth a week ago and they look terrible. They have ridges in them and two have already broken off. My dentist is replacing them, with a tray of lumineers, which she says will be stronger because they will be in a tray. Do you have any idea what would cause the ridges? Also if I do not want her to put them on when they come in, would another Dentist possibly put them on for me since I am afraid to have her do them now.
– Pat from Mississippi

I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying. I’m not visualizing these ridges, but apparently they make your Lumineers look ugly. Lumineers will have a slight ridge on the edge of the porcelain. Is that what has happened? Or are the ridges in the middle?

And I don’t know what a “tray of Lumineers” is. I’m imagining that she is maybe referring to a different product called Glam Smile that is put on in a tray, and I definitely don’t recommend that.

I would call everything off until you get a second opinion. If you don’t have the confidence in this dentist to have her put them on for you, you need to take a step back from this and examine all your options.

Your best bet is to get a cosmetic dentist who is accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. That is an assurance that they know how to do beautiful work. But I don’t think there are any accredited cosmetic dentists in Mississippi. In my opinion, there are esthetic risks in going to a dentist who promotes himself or herself as a Lumineers dentist. They are promoted as being so easy that many dentists who don’t understand cosmetic dentistry are tempted to try them.

Other links:
Lumineers are just a particular brand of ultrathin porcelain veneers.