Ugly CEREC Crown

I travel a lot for work and even when I am home, I’m still on the go. Because of this, I’ve been holding off on having a crown done. Not only is it near impossible for me to get to the dentist for two separate visits, but I’m really concerned that something will happen to my temporary while I’m away from home. I’ve been hearing a lot about these CEREC same day crowns and I like the concept, but a friend of mine had one done and the color doesn’t look quite right. Is this one of the expected trade-offs when having a CEREC crown done?




Dear Sam,

A cheesy grin is great, but not so much when it looks cheesy because the teeth are mismatched between shades of yellow and white like co-jack cheese. Unfortunately, your friend’s cheesy grin faux pas could have been avoided, but luckily, you don’t have to suffer the same fate in the name of convenience.

CEREC crowns are fantastic when it comes to streamlining the process, but like traditional crowns, some dentists don’t do a good job of matching the shade. There are options available for a dentist to make the restoration match the surrounding teeth- it’s just a matter of finding a dentist who has the cosmetic and artistic ability to do the matching.

Start by selecting a dentist who does CEREC crowns and ask the staff ahead of time how he selects shades. Often, but not always, the level of competence in the staff is very telling. You can also ask to see before and after photos of patients the dentist has treated. Many dentists like to have a “brag book” on hand or a smile gallery online to show off their finest cosmetic work. You can also speak directly with the dentist beforehand and ask him how he selects shades.

As any reputable cosmetic dentist knows, the most important deciding factor when it comes to esthetics is patient satisfaction. As such, he will always let you examine your restoration before it is cemented and will be certain to make sure you’re happy with it before you leave.

If you want to avoid an unpleasantly cheesy grin, ask a few questions in advance and you’ll be sure to have your same-day-crown be a same-day-beautiful-work-of-art too.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Dentist Dr. Mike Malone.